We have been enjoying the warmer weather. It's so fun to put Aves in her summer clothes. I think yesterday was in the 90's. I'm looking forward to taking her to the neighborhood pool soon. On to Chief, those of you who know me, know that I love this dog. :) He was my first "baby". He has some spots on his back that the vet says looks like skin cancer in Boxers. He has surgery scheduled next Thursday to remove it. We really hope it is not cancer. He is a good big brother to Avery and she LOVES him. She lights up the minute he comes in the room. I have always loved this quote that I have framed, " no matter how much money you have or how few possessions you own, having a dog makes you rich." I know those of you who don't like dogs think I'm a crazy! We just love him and hope that he will be alright. I won't ask for prayers cause I feel silly when there are lots of people's children out there who are sick and need prayer, like Stellan. Just think about us on Thursday!
Ok, I didn't realize the pics of Chief were old and the one that had the caption "laying on my prego belly" threw me for a loop. I thought you were pregnant again=)
Hope are girls can play together again soon, we enjoyed spending some time with y'all.
I will be praying for you on Thursday when Chief has his surgery. It's hard on us dog lovers for even our animals to go in for surgery!! I am praying for Stellan and other sick babies as well:) Have a good weekend!
Our animal family members are always there for us and never disagree. I hate that Chief needs surgery and that you have to wait. As always you will be on my heart and in my prayers on Thursday. Remember that God knows the number of hairs on our heads. Just as you will care about all of the concerns to come in Avery's life, so He thinks of you ... and all the sick children.
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