Thursday, December 22, 2011

Christmas part 2- at home

Christmas with our little family was so sweet. I loved experiencing it through Avery. It was priceless. This is such a fun age to believe in Santa because it is so real to her. She wanted so badly to see him come down the chimney that night!

We left him a cupcake from Jesus' birthday party and some carrots for his reindeer. Avery also drew him a picture.

We read the story of Jesus' birth that night before bed.
And then Santa left some good stuff for the girls while they slept:)
Avery was so excited when she ran in that morning, at 10am I might add! She didn't even know where to start, she was just giggling. Loved it.

The present full of what she wanted most, Tangled dress up. She was in awe that Santa got it all right. It's was so sweet to see the magic in her eyes.

Me and my baby on her 1st Christmas:)
Then one of my favorite memories happened, Avery opened all of Adalyn's gifts and showed them all to her. It was too sweet for words. She is so sweet to her baby sister and Adalyn just watched each one like she knew exactly what was happening. Avery would talk her in a sweet little voice and be excited about each gift she got, then she would lean down and hug her periodically. They way they love each other makes me want to have 15 kids. (but not that bad;)

Me and all the Christmas presents I ever wanted:)
Daddy and his girls!
Avery got a nurse outfit like mommy's and she was very proud. I asked her to show me her scrubs and this is the pose I got. She kills me!
Suddenly Daddy felt sick and needed a check up;)

Little princesses. Avery requested Addy in her castle tent.
Needless to say, we had fun playing with the toys Santa brought all day. It was a wonderful Christmas with the people I love most.

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